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People define success in different ways: some by money, some by job importance and others by work/life balance. Whichever way we view it, do we have both the aptitude and the ability to succeed – ‘can’ we succeed versus ‘will’ we? As business people, there are four key areas which must be in place to ensure that ‘can’ becomes ‘will’.


Opinion has it that over 70% of the thoughts in our head are negative or limiting. Negative thoughts create fear and hesitation, which prevent us from taking the critical actions necessary for success. Take the time to reframe your self-talk from negative to positive. Every time you have a limiting thought, develop a positive one to neutralise it.

2. Baggage

We all carry baggage around with us which holds us back, such as wanting to be liked, struggling to ask for decisions or being uncomfortable talking about money. We need to understand our own baggage and make a commitment to learn new skills which will help us overcome it.

3. Risk

We all have a risk quotient that guides our actions. Somewhere between risk everything or risk nothing is the right choice for all of us. Stretching comfort zones allows us to take appropriate risks and achieve growth as a result. We must examine our comfort zones because they create a success trap and we must decide to take bolder actions.

4. Beliefs

These are thoughts that have either been programmed by others, originate from past experiences or are based on judgments made through observation. We should regularly and systematically test our beliefs to ensure they are based in reality, not fiction. We must challenge outdated beliefs and create higher performing ones to free ourselves from mediocrity.

Here are some pointers to success:

Examine your level of self-awareness. How large is the gap between where you think you are and where you really are in terms of success? Be honest!
End each day with a review of lessons learned and create a plan to utilise them the following day.
Review your skills toolbox and make sure you have the right tools for success. Where are the gaps?
Understand your ‘killer’ weaknesses and make sure they’re not hiding in your blind spots.
Every morning, ask yourself, “What would I attempt today if I had no fear of failure?”
Melissa Arnot- the 31 year old who has climbed Mount Everest three times said “Out here, we face the consequences of our decisions every day.” In business, this statement is no less true.

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