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Answer A Question With A Question

We are taught that if we are asked a question, we need to answer it.  But if we don’t know the intent, or importance of a question answering it may do us more harm than good.   Don’t answer automatically, find out what the real question is and then you can answer it.

Prospect: ‘How much experience do you have with working with professional services firms?’
You don’t know if the prospect does or doesn’t want you to have had previous experience with these firms, so find out.  We may assume people want us to have relevant experience but that may not always be the case.  But don’t fire your question straight back – soften it first or it can feel like an interrogation. 

Seller: That’s a good question, and you are asking because…..?

 For more sales tips come to our next seminar, Sales Tips for Business Owners

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