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The Roadmap To Organisational Excellence

For MDs/CEOs that are committed to improving their company and want to understand what needs to change to take their business to the next level.

All businesses can be categorised in one of 4 groupings; 

Category 1;

The leader makes most if not all of the decisions, spending roughly 90% of their time in the business. Their cash flow isn't healthy and if the leader wasn't present for a quarter, the business would be in jeopardy.

Category 2;

The business is in a reactive manner. The leader spends 30-50% of their time in the business as a doer. Cash flow is average.

Category 3;

Respected in their industry, and likely in the top 25% of businesses measured in terms of professional leadership, these organizations are nevertheless vulnerable. The company has not yet created a leadership culture in which organizational excellence is second nature, regardless of personnel changes.

Category 4;

Here, professional leadership is a daily reality, exemplified by a disciplined, sequential, continues, and repeatable process that propels the business into the upper 5% of organizations. These companies are always improving their present situation- and always looking forward. For leaders, and everyone else at these organizations, excellence is a way of life.

At Sandler, we have identified 13 blind spots that hold businesses back and we’ve noticed that businesses in the At-Risk – Well-managed categories typically fall prey to more than half of them, whether that’s

  • Fostering a culture of learned helplessness
  • Not creating and sustaining a culture of accountability
  • Not being in recruitment mode (only recruiting when there is an emergency).


In this session, we will discuss these blind spots and introduce you to the antidote to these

What is Leadership for Organizational Excellence?

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