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Lori Richardson - CEO @ Score more sales

“Understand the difference between mentors and sponsors — and have a sponsor within your company. Mentors can be very helpful in building a sales leadership career to improve specific skills or learn to maneuver within corporate politics. A sponsor is a senior leader with power and influence within an organization who can get your name in front of others with power and influence. This is critical as a woman leader because someone may not consider you for a new role or project simply because you are not on their radar.”


Jenny Krengel - Founder & President @ RegineryCo.

Speak up and be genuinely curious. Ask any question that comes to mind without second guessing yourself. Take charge of meetings; the magic is in the momentum!


Kendra Lee - President @ KLA Group

My one tip is for women to get out and network. Men are strong networkers and that gets them referrals to build their business, simply because they are present, connecting with people. Women tend to hold back and wait for people to offer connections and referrals. Stay in touch with your network, ask for connections to other people, and be bold enough to reach out to people you don't know.


Alice Heiman - Founder @ Alice Heiman (Formerly with Miller Heiman, Inc) 

Two things that are critical for your success in sales.

1) Lead: Remember, you don't have to be the boss to be a leader. Find ways to lead that let you stand out from the crowd and shine. Lead in a way that attracts senior level people to you and let's them see your value. You might lead by helping others who are new to the company or by volunteering for an important company project. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to lead. Your customers want to work with leaders. Find ways to lead in the eyes of your customers as well.

2) Learn: Never stop Learning. Others skate by on what they already know and what they learn on the fly. Take charge of your learning. Decide what you want to learn and make a plan to do so. Don't wait for anyone to provide the learning you need. Make it happen. Stay ahead of methods, trends and world matters. Learn everything you can about your industry, your customers and their customers. Use this learning to do your job better. If you are better informed you will bring more value and add more insight.


Caroline Robinson - Director @ Sandler Training Cambridge. 

Know your value. Whether that is the value you bring to prospects/clients, the value you bring to your company through your knowledge, skills and results, or your value as a person. Constantly be working on how to further build your value by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and continuously learning.

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